Course Description:
The ExerSHINE Kids POWER Bootcamp Program combines numerous pre-existing evidence-based approaches with recent quantitative research on the program’s outcomes, conducted by the ExerSHINE Bootcamp POWER Program’s founder Dr. Amy Wheadon, to provide a novel program that significantly improves participants’ sensory processing skills and functional outcomes in daily occupations.
This intermediate-level course will review the literature related to the therapeutic benefits of exercise and the effectiveness of sensory integration treatment in pediatric populations, including discussing the theories and frameworks that inspired the development of an evidence-informed program that uses high-intensity exercise as a change agent for improving self-regulation and functional outcomes. Dr. Wheadon’s preliminary study will be reviewed and clinicians with general working knowledge of pediatric frameworks, practical experience working with children with SPD, and an understanding of SI principles will be able to apply learning from this course to their own practices.
Learning outcomes:
- Review how underlying foundational skills impact overall academic skills and other performance areas and occupations.
- Describe how and why high-intensity exercise correlates with improved self-regulation and sensory processing skills, using evidence from the literature.
- Identify and explain which theories and frameworks are incorporated into the ExerSHINE Kids POWER Bootcamp Program.
- Learn how to incorporate high-intensity exercise into your outpatient pediatric practice.
Education Level: Intermediate.
CEU: Course Eligible for 0.7 CEUS or 7 Contact Hours.
Cost: $599 USD.