Breastfeeding Tips for Pregnant and Early Postpartum Mothers

Presented By: Sonya Boersma, BN, MScN, RN, IBCLC

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Presenter Biography:

Sonya has had an eclectic career with a common thread of professionally supporting mothers and babies for over 25 years. Working with parents and babies, she delivers a calm and informative consult to a great diversity of clients and situations. For her it’s an honour to work with new, new-again, or soon-to-be parents, tailoring care to each.

As an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) and Registered Nurse in various roles such as public health, northern nursing in Canada, as a birth doula, and as an independent lactation consultant, she has been fortunate to work with parents in the whole childbirth continuum from pregnancy, labour and delivery, to postpartum.

Sonya also has a broad range of experiences supporting health care professionals to provide infant feeding evidence-based care. She has been instrumental in developing resources regionally and provincially that have been used throughout Canada and part of the U.S.A. As a provincial Health Promotion Consultant, Sonya assisted health care organizations to implement the WHO’s Baby-Friendly Initiative. She has been a speaker provincially, nationally, and internationally and loves to continuously learn from others.

In her spare time, she’s likely with family or outside gardening, hiking, or cycling.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this webinar the learner will be able to:

  1. Current international recommendations for infant feeding.
  2. Reasons breastfeeding is important.
  3. Get breastfeeding off to a good start.
  4. Positioning options.
  5. Skills, the reason for their importance and how to use them.
  6. What to do if formula is suggested.

Intended Audience: Pregnant mothers and early postpartum moms, informative for OTs/SLPs/PTs

Presentation Length: 40 minutes

Certificate: Included